Now That’s Some Smart Water
Smart Water Assistant So I’m looking to upgrade my water situation here at home. Having a well water system in place, Its always been a pretty critical thing to me to keep tabs on the Read more…
Smart Water Assistant So I’m looking to upgrade my water situation here at home. Having a well water system in place, Its always been a pretty critical thing to me to keep tabs on the Read more…
An engineer of IP networks. A developer of automation code ( ). A technology educator. A big freakin' Linux user...and a loving Dad
I graduated from Plymouth High School located in Plymouth, Ohio in 2000 and joined the 179th Air National Guard (Air Force) Communications Flight in the Computer Networking field shortly thereafter. While serving, I completed my Associate(s), Bachelor, and Master Degree in Computer Networking and left full-time military service to work in the private sector. I have worked as a Network Engineer for over 20+ years now and have taught computer networking courses at both DeVry University out of Columbus, Ohio and North Central State College in Mansfield, Ohio. I have achieved various industry certification to include Cisco CCNA, CCNA Security, CCNP, and others that align with my passions in technology. Next to networking I’m a big Linux geek. I have several awesome children and wife that rock’s.